Jamie Brown Is NOT Rich

Jamie Brown Is NOT Rich

Adam Wallace


Jamie Brown and his family have no money. None. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Nix. Nachos. Then, when a letter from the mysterious Barnaby Von Barnabus arrives, everything changes. The question is ... can the Browns handle their newfound fortune? Only time, and maybe the words in this book, will tell. When Jamie Brown and his family move from the poor streets of the Hovel to snobby Snootyville, classes clash with hilarious results.
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Dawn of the Zombie Knights

Dawn of the Zombie Knights

Adam Wallace


A boy with one arm who dreams of becoming a great knight.His arch-enemy, determined not to let that happen.An old man with a tragic past and slight drinking problem.Zombie knights, risen from their graves.There are triumphs.There are tragedies.There are funny names.Did I mention there are ZOMBIE KNIGHTS?ZOMBIES? THAT ARE KNIGHTS?This book has everything!Except squirrels. And Lachie Wright.They're not in it.Sorry.I hope you like it anyway.
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Better Out Than In

Better Out Than In

Adam Wallace


An awesomely gross book by Bestselling children's author, Adam Wallace!Better Out Than In is full of funny rhyming little tales like Valerie's Vomit, Peter's Pimple and Nancy's Nose!This little gem covers all the profound dinner party conversations at the child's table: gross stories, fart noises, chewed up food and lots, lots more! For kids who love a healthy dose of gross, this book is fully sick.
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Better Out Than In Number Twos

Better Out Than In Number Twos

Adam Wallace


I'm not going to lie to you. This book is so gross, the grossness has been grossonified. Yes, not only does it contain grossness at a level similar to that in Better Out Than In, it goes even further. It's like, if the grossness level in Better Out Than In was, say, as tall as a baby, then the grossness level in Better Out Than In Number Twos is as tall as the tallest man in the world, standing on the second tallest man in the world's shoulders, and they are both on tippy-toes, and have their hands in the air, and are at the very top of the tallest tree on top of a hill. A tall hill. It's like, if the grossness level in Better Out Than In was a nine on a grossness scale, where one is the lowest and ten is the highest, then Better Out Than In Number Twos would be approximately 1,000,000,000.340 on that same grossness scale.
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The Incredible Journey of Pete McGee

The Incredible Journey of Pete McGee

Adam Wallace


A boy with one arm who dreams of becoming a great knight.His mother, dying from a mysterious illness, is the only one who believes in him.An evil king hungry for power at any cost.Two servants of the king, in love but torn apart.Evil invisible monsters that kill for fun.A magic flower that will change all of their lives.There's good versus evil.There's magic.There's love, there's adventure and there's lots, lots more.This book has everything!Except giraffes. It doesn't have any giraffes.Sorry.I hope you like it anyway.
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