The Child Predators

The Child Predators

Aitor Echevarria

Aitor Echevarria

After serving fourteen years of a twenty-five year sentence for child abuse and murder, Mark is released from prison on license. Under the terms of his release, Mark must report to the police every week, and is under police surveillance. For six months Mark gives no cause for concern – that is until he disappears. The police issue an immediate warrant for his arrest, but when other events become more pressing for the force and Mark still can't be found, the case fades into the background. Officers begin to worry that Mark has gone back to his old ways of child abuse and murder, and a senior police officer in Leeds suspects he is operating on his patch with other members of a paedophile ring. The case needs a detective of remarkable skill to catch Mark, and the senior police officer thinks he has found him. The hunt is on, but will they catch Mark before he abducts and kills a child?
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The Moon Worshippers

The Moon Worshippers

Aitor Echevarria

Aitor Echevarria

I shall tell you how a young Negusi warrior made it possible for us to defeat Charlemagne, and the part he played against the Sisters of the Moon...' These are the dying words uttered by a Basque warrior, poisoned and dumped at the doorway to a Benedictine Monastery high in the Pyrenees. The frightened monks understand from these words that the warrior has deep knowledge of one of their closest secrets... The deathbed confession of the warrior continues in a series of flashbacks as he reveals more about the mountain ambush the Basque tribes set for Charlemagne, King of the Franks, as he returned from an unsuccessful invasion of Spain. The monks learn of the power of the Negusi – and of the heroism of a young Basque boy and his wolf dog, without whom the defeat of Charlemagne would have not been possible. This historical adventure story for young adults brings the 7th century vividly to life and captures both the spirit of the Basque people and the history behind the rule...
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