Montana Abbott 6

Montana Abbott 6

Al Cody

Al Cody

Montana had bought some grazing land on the wide-open plains of his home state. All he needed now was to find a herd of good beef cattle—short of horn, heavy with meat—and settle in for the good life of a ranching man. So with a poke of gold in his saddle bags, Montana headed out across the barren, sun-baked tableland—toward the lush, green valleys of the West.But he hadn't gotten far before he was staring down the muzzle of a forty-five—centered on his chest at point-blank range. It was the gun of a hardcase outlaw, a desperate man with enemies at his back—and he needed Montana's horse for the long trail ahead.That was only the start of his troubles—for Montana was heading into land claimed by one of the most ruthless cattle barons in the whole western Territory. Before he knew it, Montana was being stalked by a hard-bitten crew of killers. And now that he'd lost his horse, it was a sure bet he'd lose his life.
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  • 675
Montana Abbott 4

Montana Abbott 4

Al Cody

Al Cody

Technically at least, there was a truce if not peace between white man and red. Therefore the man riding along on the big bay cayuse was not prepared for the curdling war whoops which split the air in a frightening cadence. When Montana Abbott saw a whole band of Indians attacking two lone white men, he decided he would have to imitate a whole regiment to scare them off. And that was only the start of his problems ...
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  • 666
Montana Abbott 1

Montana Abbott 1

Al Cody

Al Cody

Montana Abbott had tested his courage on the bloody battlefields of the Civil War, sharpened his killer instincts in savage hand-to-hand fighting and had seen enough slaughter to last him forever. But he had promised to drive his brother's cattle to Missouri and knew he'd have to use all his lethal skills to get back alive. For the trail was held by hostile Indians, who'd had sooner butcher a white man as a cow, and outlaws who had killed for so long, they enjoyed it. Montana figured that if there was any dying to be done, he'd take a lot of men with him.
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  • 554
Montana Abbott 3

Montana Abbott 3

Al Cody

Al Cody

Forsman had had more than his fair share of trouble. His partner had bushwhacked him, taken his gold and his wife and left him for dead. Then he met Montana Abbott, a quiet man whose gun did the talking for him. When Forsman's enemies started gunning for him, Montana fought back. And when Montana fights, a whole lot of people get killed.
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  • 541
Montana Abbott 5

Montana Abbott 5

Al Cody

Al Cody

It was an open secret around Dead Man's Gulch that the Roanoke stage line was short of just about everything except trouble—they needed rollin' stock, money and men. That was why Montana's old friend Blackie Thompson hired on. To Blackie, the challenge of running the line was like the smell of battle to a war horse. But Blackie didn't get very far. Riding into the town of Wildcat, Montana found the smoking remains of a stagecoach—and the body of Blackie Thompson ...
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  • 530
Powder Burns (A Powder Burns Western--Book One)

Powder Burns (A Powder Burns Western--Book One)

Al Cody

Al Cody

The homesteaders were fencing him in. Boss McGill looked north—and turned his herds toward Montana. But between him and his destination lay the rustlers.Only one man could help him: Powder Burns, who might have been from anywhere. It was Burns who fought Boake Queen when Queen hired a ruthless outlaw to brand-blot McGill's cows. And it was Burns who took McGill through Buzzard's Border where no man had ever been and lived to tell it.
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  • 497
Dead Man's Spurs

Dead Man's Spurs

Al Cody

Al Cody

Epub (my conversion)Jerry Sultan was a hated man back in his home town of Timber. If he showed his face there, his greeting would be a fast bullet. But nevertheless he was going back, riding in.Until an entirely unexpected type of welcoming committee roped him, hog-tied him, and “killed” him! They took his clothes, changed his face, and arranged to have “Jerry Sultan” found dead. It would be another man who would ride into Timber, a man who was the heir to the largest ranch there, a man of honor and distinction.Except that Jerry Sultan, the real Jerry Sultan, convicted killer, town renegade, would be that other man .. . the unwilling tool of a mystery gang. ' "
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  • 448

Montana Abbott 8

Montana Abbott 8

Al Cody

Al Cody

Every killer in the West was heading to town. It was gold they were after. And every gunslick, braggart and bandit in town, Helena quickly became known as Last Gulch. Montana Abbott could smell blood in the air. His gun sense told him to move on. But when he got tangled up with a beautiful wildcat woman, he decided to take the gamble to stay. Trouble was, a greedy outlaw with a gun was betting against him—and the stakes were in blood.
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  • 420
Montana Abbott 10

Montana Abbott 10

Al Cody

Al Cody

It was a dreadful plan.McMahon's proposal, when first outlined, had shocked his men. There might be hitches in working so massive a scheme, but there was a reasonable chance it could be pulled off.The results were foreseeable. Thousands of cattle, bunched and running blindly, rampaging through the streets could move as devastatingly as a prairie fire.Rambo was slated to become, literally, a ghost town.
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  • 383
The Big Corral

The Big Corral

Al Cody

Al Cody

"SOONER OR LATER I'LL HAVE TO SMASH YOU!"That was Rawe North's thanks to Tripp Devero, who'd saved him from a knife in the back. Being ranchers, they sided each other against the riffraff of the city. Yet back on the range it was a fight to the death. The country was big, but not big enough for both of them.So when Rawe returned to find his cattle rustled, his men dead or deserted, his range burned, he vowed to settle accounts with Tripp Devero in gunfire. But first he had an empire to win back. There was one way for Rawe to get cattle fast — to steal them; one way for him to keep them — to murder for them. But he saved one bullet for Tripp Devero, staking everything on his gun to make the final payment in revenge.
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  • 318
Montana Abbott 9

Montana Abbott 9

Al Cody

Al Cody

Montana Abbott had seen too much blood-running in his day to tangle with any more trouble. But assassination from ambush was not something he could look away from. There's an old Western saying that "the tail dies at sundown"—meaning that no matter when a rattlesnake is killed, it never fully expires until the setting of the sun. And Montana knew that that drunken killer would strike again!
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  • 146
Montana Abbott 2

Montana Abbott 2

Al Cody

Al Cody

The War Between the States did even worse things than pit brother against brother, friend against friend, because they were on different sides in the conflict. For when Confederate soldiers were penned up together as prisoners of war, their nerves frayed by inactivity, pal turned on pal, and violence erupted. And it took their leader, "Montana" Abbott, to restore sanity if not tranquility.
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  • 110
Montana Abbott 7

Montana Abbott 7

Al Cody

Al Cody

The blast of six-guns was a sound Montana Abbott was used to. But even he wasn't ready for the violence and smell of death that he found around the new railroad in the Black Hills. The coming of the iron horse had coincided with a gold strike, and the two events had changed everybody's lives. Greed wore a six-gun—and strangers weren't welcome. Before he know it, Montana was in the middle of a shoot-out deadly enough to be his last.
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  • 54
Star Toter

Star Toter

Al Cody

Al Cody

It had been seven years since Orin Locke had left Highpoint, but he found it pretty much unchanged. Even Dr. Fletcher Bannon, who had the makings of a fine medico but wasted his talents, was still drowning his sorrows at the same table in the same dingy saloon. Locke, however, brought back to the Wild Buttes a reputation he had not had before: a rep as the fastest man with a gun in a land of fast men, the coldest-hearted marshal that ever tamed a town.Ordinarily, funerals took place after he hit a place. Therefore, he was sardonically surprised to see one that had obviously been scheduled before his arrival, and to learn that the corpse was the former sheriff.That meant a potential job for Locke. The only question was: would toting a star interfere with the vengeance mission on wihich Orin was bound, a mission directed primarily against his own brother whom he hated?
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  • 24