The Inglorious Arts
Alan Hruska
Thriller / Mystery
Seasoned New York lawyer Alec Brno, first introduced in Pardon the Ravens, is tested again by overlapping personal and professional crises. Early on, he's asked to rescue his firm's oldest client, who is being sued vindictively by a giant public utility, as well as the firm's largest client, embroiled in a politically motivated suit before a lunatic federal judge. To avoid crippling results, and the loss of more than 200,000 jobs, Alec must somehow get rid of both cases almost immediately and stop thousands of others from suing. This seemingly impossible assignment arrives as Alec's adopted sixteen-year-old daughter, the inheritor of a Mafia fortune, is targeted in a sex-slave scheme by her uncle, the capo famiglia. Distractions only intensify when Alec's beautiful sister-in-law, who arrives from Dublin, looking and acting so much like his deceased wife, becomes a board piece in the Mob game. Smash Mouth follows Alec's heroics as he deals with corporate...
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