The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen: Episode 1 - Anthony Gets Up for Work
Cameron A. Straughan
Fiction / Humor and Comedy / Contemporary
Stop what you're doing. Look around. Is this it? Snap out of it. Check your watch. Get back to work. Do not attempt to be different. Blend in. Buy something. The cycle must continue ... or does it? One man has broken free. Join him in his search for enlightenment, inner peace, and a really good pair of trousers.Stop what you're doing. Look around. Is this it? Snap out of it. Check your watch. Get back to work. Do not attempt to be different. Blend in. Buy something. The cycle must continue ... or does it?One man has broken free. Join him in his search for enlightenment, inner peace, and a really good pair of trousers. Witness his struggle to remain innocent in a world gone mad. Thrill to his rebellion against common sense. Laugh at his playful disregard for convention. Cry as layer after layer of modern life is peeled away like an onion.That man's name is Anthony Zen. Write that name down - that's "Zen" with a "Z". Now get back to work. Act normal. Check your watch. Do not attract attention. Buy something. Look both ways. Listen. No one is watching. Now is your chance. Diverge from the norm. Enter the wild world of "The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen". Escape. Laugh. Wonder. Check your watch. Sleep well and dream."The Surreal Adventures of Anthony Zen" is now available as a FREE eBook serial. Be sure to join us every two weeks for a thrilling episode!"Reminded me of ‘Rhinoceros’ - Ionesco."-- Colette Stevenson"Your stories reminded me of a cross between Lewis Carroll and Richard Brautigan" -- Larry Logan SATIRE - THE JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY SATIRE"North American authors, with the exception of a few (Kurt Vonnegut Jr., et al.), have very little sense of the absurd, something you’ve been cultivating, I think."-- C.F. Kennedy DRIFT/NECESSARY PRESS"We like the character and the writing." -- The Editors BLOOD AND APHORISMS"I enjoyed reading all four of your submissions [including the Anthony Zen stories 'Anthony Has Some Fun' and 'Another Day at Work']. You obviously have a well-developed sense of humor." -- Lisa B. Neuberger AMAZING STORIES"I [found] your Anthony Zen stories funny. In fact, I really enjoyed them. You obviously have a flair for nonsense, and a knack for turning cliches on their heads. The ability to find comic potential in the everyday mundanities of life is pretty rare, and the stuff that good comic writers are made of. I think it's obvious you have this same type of funny bone." -- Tim Bowling FLASH MAGAZINE
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