Worlds Apart (ThreeCon)

Worlds Apart (ThreeCon)

Carmen Webster Buxton

Science Fiction / Young Adult / Romance

Praxiteles Mercouri, known to his friends as Prax, has spent his whole life on the plains of the planet Celadon. He knows nothing of technology; his nomadic people travel in huge wagons pulled by enormous beasts native to Celadon. His culture is based on clans, duty, and obligation.Rishi Trahn lives on Subidar, a much more populous world with a much higher level of technology. Rishi has inherited her family’s very profitable trading company and in checking up on the business, she travels to Celadon. While sightseeing she is able to avert a disaster for Prax’s clan. In the ensuing celebration, Rishi overdoes the potent local wine and causes a crisis for the clan she saved. As a result, Prax ends up travelling back to Subidar with her, but he is a man lost in a maze of a foreign culture and unknown technology. Rishi, meanwhile, feels terrible for taking him away from his people. But not so terrible that she wants to send him back.
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The Sixth Discipline

The Sixth Discipline

Carmen Webster Buxton

Science Fiction / Young Adult / Romance

Ran-Del has spent his entire life in the Sansoussy Forest; he's a hunter and a warrior until one morning when he becomes prey for a hunting party from a distant city. He wakes up to a different world, in a city from which there seems no escape. Among the strangers who hold him captive is a woman who seems to know more than she's willing to admit about why Ran-Del is there.Ran-Del Jahanpur is a warrior of the Sansoussy Forest, trained in both the mental and physical Disciplines of his people. He thinks he's prepared for any danger the forest might hold, but his skills prove useless when he's caught in a hi-tech trap. Soon Ran-Del finds himself in a city so alien it might as well be another world—machines speak, vehicles fly, and his captors' weapons can inflict pain without touching him. Every time Ran-Del tries to escape, he's foiled by a technology he doesn't understand. As terrifying as the city is, his kidnapper, the enigmatic Baron Hayden, exudes a jovial affability that worries the Sansoussy even more. What can such a powerful man want with a Sansoussy warrior, who can neither read nor write and knows nothing of city ways? The Baron's daughter Francesca clearly knows more than she's saying, but Ran-Del's psy sense tells him only she's being truthful, not what she's thinking. And it's only after it seems that Ran-Del has escaped the city and its dangers, that he finds out how thoroughly he has been caught.
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Where Magic Rules

Where Magic Rules

Carmen Webster Buxton

Science Fiction / Young Adult / Romance

A modern-day man trapped in a world where magic rules science finds himself ordered to go on a quest with a peculiar young woman warrior who goes by the name of Phillip. Part road movie, part romantic comedy, this novella follows Joe and Phillip as they try to follow the Great Mage's orders without killing each other along the way.
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