Embracing Change

Embracing Change

Cecelia Smith

Chick Lit / Contemporary / Romance

A Jamaican fable set in the small village of Complacent Arkansas. The children are changed when they visit the old man at top of the hill.The windows of life and death can be in your power, they can be out of your power. Whether it is yours or that of the one standing in front of you. What choice will you make? What choices can you make? These are snapshots into worlds where people are faced with the greatest fact of life, and what they choose to make of it.
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The Gathering

The Gathering

Cecelia Smith

Chick Lit / Contemporary / Romance

A mythical land where four leaders guide the people without interfering with their lives. A great ceremony is held by the leaders calling all the people into a meadow. The ceremony transforms the people and the leaders.The Burn is full of nuclear fallout, roving gangs, anarchy, unreliable plumbing. That's what Terra's father tells her. She has lived her whole life in comfort in a colony at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. She hates it. And she would pay any price to leave. But when Terra finally escapes the colony, she finds out her father is right.She finds a group of survivors that quickly become friends, and every day with them is a race for survival. When she witnesses and commits unspeakable acts, she has to decide where her loyalty lies: with the colony she despises or The Burn, where every day is filled with nightmares.
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The Vase

The Vase

Cecelia Smith

Chick Lit / Contemporary / Romance

Miranda, ordinary accountant gave a seat at her table to a remarkable woman. The encounter started an extraordinary teacher student relationship that transcended time and altered space. At the end of the apprenticeship Miranda created the elegant vase said to be from previous centuries prior.Jack is a world inside a world. A dream inside a dream. Einstein inside Newton. Hemingway inside Aristophanes. A noun inside a verb. An idea inside an acorn. It is the knot that we call consciousness. Jack exists in a different dimension. Somewhere between reality and fantasy. Between the waking state and sleep. Nightmares on Jack are a reality. They exist. Monsters appear and crawl out from under children’s beds. Time is a prankster and doubles back on you just when you think you have escaped. Jack is especially difficult for children. Who become entranced by their dreams and have trouble separating the world in their mind and the world – out there. On Jack ‘out there’ is an illusion.
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The Samaritan

The Samaritan

Cecelia Smith

Chick Lit / Contemporary / Romance

Retells the story of the Good Samaritan from the perspective of the man injured by the robbers.The Good Samaritan as told in the Bible parable is a cryptic tale with the focus on the man who helps out an unknown neighbor. The story is told from the perspective of the man who he was helped and his feelings of being blessed by a stranger. The compassion of his benefactor is highlighted.
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