The Sphere of Sleep

The Sphere of Sleep

Chester S. Geier

Fiction / Science Fiction

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
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The 47th Golden Age of Science Fiction

The 47th Golden Age of Science Fiction

Chester S. Geier

Fiction / Science Fiction

Chester S. Geier (1921-1990) was a U.S. author and editor whose first work, "A Length of Rope" appeared in Unknown in April 1941. Editor Ray Palmer recruited him to write for the Ziff-Davis group of pulp magazines, where he became a frequent contributor to Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures, and less frequently to mystery and western pulps. He published under his own name and several pseudonyms, including Guy Archette, Alexander Blade, P F Costello, Warren Kastel, S M Tenneshaw, Gerald Vance and Peter Worth. Included are:Dynamite PlanetThe Beacons Must BurnThe Fire GlobeBattle in EternityThe BottleNeedle Me NotThe Gods of MadnessGods Under GlassOutlaw in the SkyThe Floating LordsThe Astral ExileAmazing New Discoveries of Ancient EgyptBewitched Apartment in CincinnatiIf you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for "Wildside Press MEGAPACK" to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering...
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The 38th Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK

The 38th Golden Age of Science Fiction MEGAPACK

Chester S. Geier

Fiction / Science Fiction

Chester S. Geier (1921-1990) was a U.S. author and editor whose first work, "A Length of Rope" (included here) appeared in Unknown in April 1941. Ray Palmer recruited him to write for the Ziff-Davis group, where he became a frequent contributor to Amazing Stories and Fantastic Adventures. He published under his own name and several pseudonyms, including Guy Archette, Alexander Blade, P F Costello, Warren Kastel, S M Tenneshaw, Gerald Vance and Peter Worth. This volume collects 21 of his science fiction and fantasy stories:A LENGTH OF ROPETHE SPHERE OF SLEEPENIGMA OF THE CITYSKY IMPIF YOU BELIEVEFIDOENVIRONMENTWEEP NO MORE, MY ROBOTDISAPPEARANCEJEWEL OF DEATHMIRAGE WORLDFOUR WHO RETURNEDA CRYSTAL AND A SPELLGETAWAYHAPPINESS IS NOWHEREHAUNTED METROPOLISQUEST OF THE SPLIT MAPDEATH SENTENCEWATER LODETHE FINAL HOURIf you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for "Wildside Press Megapack" to...
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