I Tried to Tell You but You Wouldn't Listen

I Tried to Tell You but You Wouldn't Listen

Cindy Matias

Crime / True Crime / Nonfiction

This is a short story I wrote inspired by some of the things recently going on in my life and some of my thoughts. I recently had problems opening up to anyone and the whole situation was frustrating everyone. I talked to my doctor about it and she suggested therapy. That's where the whole idea of this story came from, even though I never got therapy myself. Enjoy.This is a short story I wrote inspired by some of the things recently going on in my life and some of my thoughts as well. I recently had problems opening up to anyone and the whole situation was frustrating everyone. I talked to my doctor about it, since I didn't know who else to go to, and she suggested therapy. She said with the crazy stuff going on in the lives of today's children, it's good to talk things out. I wanted to give it a try but I never got to, sadly. But that's where I got the whole idea of writing this story came from. It's a "what if" kind of story. Just joking. Enjoy.
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