John Smith, World Jumper Book One: Portal to Adventure
E. Patrick Dorris
Waking, hospitalized with amnesia during World War I, "John Smith" quickly realizes he is not like other men. John can travel to parallel worlds, seemingly through the power of his own mind.In this first serial, he not only learns of his power when it is triggered in the stress of combat, but visits an Earth still trapped in an ice age.WARNING: The John Smith World Jumper series is written specifically to emulate the wordy language patterns of early adventure fiction such as the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Robert E. Howard, and even other Victorian era fiction, such as the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and H.G. Wells. THIS is on purpose, and if you do not like wordy descriptions, humble heroes, long sentences, and other such old fashioned concepts, then this is propbably not the work for you.It's OK. Other more "modern" works are in the process of being written, and those will be posted as such. But because nobody is writing like this anymore, I just had to see if I could do it.If you enjoy such stories, then I hope you enjoy John Smith as much as I enjoy writing it!
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