

Frank & Jessie Littlewood

Frank & Jessie Littlewood

Frank and Jessie Littlewood (and some of their friends) had a way of capturing the spirit of their generation in a charming prose that can’t help but raise a smile.This is but a small selection of pieces put together from works that were actually found written down, not only demonstrating the true entertainers they were, but also showing how much they loved one another and their many friendsMy Grandparents, Frank and Jessie Littlewood, were always an inspiration to meAs you will see, Frank and Jessie (and some of their friends) had a way of capturing the spirit of their generation in a charming prose that can’t help but raise a smile.This is but a small selection of pieces put together from works that were actually found written down, not only demonstrating the true entertainers they were, but also showing how much they loved one another and their many friends. A collection of 10 heartfelt and witty poems celebrating the lives to entertain.This was originally compiled to celebrate the work they never put into the public domain after their death to raise money for charity that was close to their hearts but now has been opened up for everyone to enjoy.
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