Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
J. K. Rowling
Fiction / Young Adult / Fantasy
Here the incredibly popular Harry Potter books, by J.K. Rowling. In Book 1, a mysterious letter, delivered by the friendly giant Hagrid, wrenches Harry from his dreary, Muggle-ridden existence: We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Of course, Uncle Vernon yells most unpleasantly, I AM NOT PAYING FOR SOME CRACKPOT OLD FOOL TO TEACH HIM MAGIC TRICKS! Soon enough, however, Harry finds himself at Hogwarts with his owl Hedwig... and that s where the real adventure humorous, haunting, and suspenseful begins. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer s Stone, first published in England as Harry Potter and the Philosopher s Stone, continues to win major awards in England. So far it has won the National Book Award, the Smarties Prize, the Children s Book Award, and is short-listed for the Carnegie Medal, the U.K. version of the Newbery Medal. This magical, gripping, brilliant book a future classic to be sure will leave kids clamoring for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. (Ages 8 to 13).
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