Gamers Gate

Gamers Gate

J. Scott Garibay

J. Scott Garibay

An sci-fi / fantasy adventure novel tailored to those with knowledge of the table-top roleplaying game industry.When the elderly creator of tabletop roleplaying games breaks down and states that the original fantasy RPG, Blade & Bolt, is not a game but a carefully crafted survey of a world he traveled to in 1969, he is promptly admitted to a mental health facility. College student Stephen Cairnhist is the only B&B gamemaster to believe the statement. He rallies his player and orchestrates first contact with the new world, Thrycion. The tabletop roleplaying game community become invaluable experts overnight as governments and corporations seek guides to understand the people, creatures, locations and magic on Thrycion.
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AmerIndian 2192

AmerIndian 2192

J. Scott Garibay

J. Scott Garibay

AmerIndian 2192 is a science-fiction novel that explores the intriguing possibilities of Native Americans in mankind's star flung future.AmerIndian 2192 presents the story of two brothers, Wovoka and Keokuk, restoring the Native American people to a Homeland where their vibrant culture can thrive. Lodge ships, Cybershaman rituals and Tsimshian high technology are all elements in this action-oriented tale of interstellar politics and personal struggles.
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