Bobbing for Dragons: A Love Story

Bobbing for Dragons: A Love Story

Jason Beil

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Literature & Fiction

When Bob finds himself drawn into a magical world of giants, witches, and war, he wishes desperately to get home. But how can he escape when his very destiny is drawing him deeper and deeper into an insane new world?Bob never should have taken that last bite of cake. After all, he was supposed to save the last piece for Sara! While trying to escape Sara's cake-driven wrath, he stumbles into a rip in time and space and finds himself lost in a world of giants, witches, werewolves, and dragons. All Bob wants to do is get home--but what if his destiny lies in this strange new world?This work, edited and compiled by Jason N. Beil, is a collaboration of the following authors: Derek E. Keeling, J Bryden Lloyd, P.L. Blair, Kellie, Recluse, Ella Stradling, Eric C. Zawadzki, Kenneth J. Mayer, Homecooking, Marc Iverson, Martin D. Gibbs, Pipeline, and Jason N. Beil.
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