The First Galactic Princess – A Bedtime Story

The First Galactic Princess – A Bedtime Story

Kevin A. Lyons

Science Fiction / Horror / Fiction

The first galactic princess is a little girl growing up in a wonderful place. She faces an ordinary problem with the help of a friend and the support of an understanding father. There are no spaceships, ancient prophecies or threatening aliens. There is, however, a hover car -- kids need to dream about hover cars!The first galactic princess is a little girl growing up in a wonderful place. She faces an ordinary problem with the help of a friend and the support of an understanding father. There are no spaceships, ancient prophecies or threatening aliens. There is, however, a hover car -- kids need to dream about hover cars!It's not a first reader -- it was written to be read aloud. Science fiction provides a wonderful background setting, but no scientific concepts are required to appreciate the story. Most kids will need to have some words explained to them, and that can lead to some great conversations!
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