The Matter of Love

The Matter of Love

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

Having exhausted all research, convinced of neither god, nor God, nor love, Professor Shuman decides this to be his last counsel. Apple in pocket, he plays games through the mundane session. Yet when Counsellor Jamal brings up theories of scientific musings, written to the layman or those who may yet believe, he reconsiders. Fingering his apple, he wonders if the yet unproven may explain love.Reviewing his professional life, a career wrapped in theories seeking to explain greater purpose in human good, frustrated at depth Professor Chris Shuman plays out his lecture halls role in the counselor’s office. Sticking to scientific integrity, what cannot be proven must be discarded, what has yet to be proven must be investigated, Chris repeals all theories of compassion. In spite of the eu-social, he argues final conclusions that humanity has evolved for no other purpose than animal survival. And with no proof of love, realizing he cannot truly care for even his own children, the professor falls back on a favourite medieval fairy tale allowing his meaningful escape from it all.
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  • 824
Blown Bridge Valley

Blown Bridge Valley

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

Vince got an evening call from fellow engineer Brad in America. The climate change crisis had turned Calgary into a crime razed city policed by drones. Brad said the highways close that night so get out now. Vince decided leaving their Calgary home for Brad’s ideal BC valley community best for his teenage daughter’s future. But first they had to make it through the swarm gang infested countryside.As an ex-oilfield engineer now environmental advocate, single parent Vince had a history of struggling with the impact of climate change especially on his high school daughter’s future. Now highway connections were closing at unknown select points to form a new political border shutting Alberta out of the Pacific North West. They had one last chance to cross that night. Vince had first heard his friend Brad’s talk on a worst case scenario survival plan when they worked together in Niger on a HICCC geoengineering contract. The High Impact Climate Change Countries had attempted a technical climate fix at the time. But with the West not approving, NATO ended that possibility with bombs while oil and coal business continued as usual. Brad had talked not only of survival, but an academic attempt at designing an improved cultural model for the future. The climate change transition was seen as a societal opportunity. Climate change geography had selected a mountain valley refuge straddling the BC American border. Vince had been preparing for the trip in practice and in the back of his mind, but was never sure if or when to go. The valley was far from Calgary with drone and human police with questionable interests and lawless gangs swarm ravaging the country highways. That night had become his last chance to pioneer a brighter future for his daughter but only if they could succeed in traversing a planned and practiced escape route.
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  • 799
Pinatubo II

Pinatubo II

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

On foreign contract in Africa, Vince the Calgary oilfield engineer finds his client wants a geoengineering design as the president of Niger campaigns on bringing back a Green Sahara. Driven by his daughter's future, he ignores the risk of being a drone target and takes on political negotiating. Expected to explain climate science to politicians, he becomes immersed in an intense new career.Mutual global wellbeing clashes up against conservative international business-as-usual climate change policies. In a speculated near future, a consortium of High Impact Climate Change Countries opts to leverage geoengineering, the artificial cooling designed after natural volcanic eruptions, when negotiating climate change agreement with the rich countries of the OECD. As drones threaten anyone on the ground with Hellfire missiles, and as the political agenda heats up, the HICCC consortium selects Vince the story telling engineer and Tami the British Bangladeshi paleoclimatologist to inform Canada of their selection as a go between messenger.Explosive "science fiction" becoming reality within decades. Such is becoming increasingly likely, unless we come to our senses soon.Jim Hansen, author of Storms of My GrandchildrenNo one knows if or when these technologies will be used, but it’s fun though provoking so see Kuzyk working out scenarios in which solar geoengineering is driven by poor countries that will be most harmed by climate change.David Keith, Harvard Professor, author of A Case for Climate EngineeringWhat if Terrorism ‘was’ the only way? Kuzyk provides a fascinating and thoughtful insight into the hearts and minds of technology driven scientists and engineers swept up in a plot of Eco-Terrorism. The technology is here today. Is it simply a matter of time?Michael Gillett, President of IFWA, author of The Collection of Jacqueline Melrose
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  • 746
Next Door Data

Next Door Data

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

Calvin the scientist out tent-camping with family opened his e-car door to a peace shattering din. His inner rage exploded into barely restrained lashing out at the invasive next door trailer. Through an irritating weekend of adaptation he realized campground power generators had awakened his fury over people's non response to climate change. His struggle triggered action never before considered.A scientist out on a weekend camping trip pulled in beside the family tent after a day at the beach to the hammering clatter of a next door power generator. Struggling to deal with the irritation, he found his inner rage surging to form a lineup of imagined spray bombed messages, wire-cutters and shotgun blasts. His own quiet attempts at switching to an e-car to alleviate climate change became a futile attempt to bring about his desire for a peaceful camping experience. The disrupting noise of two cycle engines around him, he realized, turned out to be symbolic of the data that he had been researching over the last several years. Behind the noise of internal combustion engines boomed the incessant threat of climate change. He found he had to act, and the action he knew he needed take turned out quite different than his initial reactionary lashing out at the next door noise.
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  • 722
Green Sahara

Green Sahara

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

On foreign contract in Africa, Vince the Calgary oilfield engineer finds his client wants a geoengineering design as the president of Niger campaigns on bringing back a Green Sahara. Driven by his daughter's future, he ignores the risk of being a drone target and takes on political negotiating. Expected to explain climate science to politicians, he becomes immersed in an intense new career.Mutual global wellbeing clashes up against conservative international business-as-usual climate change policies. In a speculated near future, a consortium of High Impact Climate Change Countries opts to leverage geoengineering, the artificial cooling designed after natural volcanic eruptions, when negotiating climate change agreement with the rich countries of the OECD. As drones threaten anyone on the ground with Hellfire missiles, and as the political agenda heats up, the HICCC consortium selects Vince the story telling engineer and Tami the British Bangladeshi paleoclimatologist to inform Canada of their selection as a go between messenger.
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  • 681
Amy's Jessica

Amy's Jessica

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

Amy travels on a try-it-out fling from her trailer court home to the haunts of her film star Jessica. With her husband's support, she flies to San Francisco to live the life at least for a day of her Hollywood hero. With her two children and homemaker lifestyle in back of mind, she arrives at Jessica's Marriot Hotel. As the day passes, her heart reminds her of what she already does have.A young trailer court mother, Amy, makes a trip to the haunts of her film star Jessica in San Francisco. Encouraged by her husband, Amy flies from Saskatoon to the seaside city on a try-it-out fling, looking to live the life at least for a day of her Hollywood hero. With her money problems, her two children and her homemaker lifestyle in the back of her mind, she tries living a day in the life of Jessica, who on any down day cheers herself up by flying to San Francisco and staying at her favorite upscale hotel, the Marriot. Amy meets her California cousin Andrew for lunch and fulfills her fantasy of living just like Jessica. Yet as the day goes on, she notices the reality of her cousin, and other people around her. How Andrew really lives and how far the Hollywood version of day to day life leans from the truthful. She gradually becomes so aware in her heart of what she does have in her life that her fascination with the on screen life of Jessica takes a major turn.
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  • 675
AlberTa's Gift

AlberTa's Gift

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

As Albert stood beside Minister Teslo, he thought of that long ago street hockey game ending with his face plant. Severe asthma kept him gasping for breath on that childhood ambulance ride to hospital. Now, as he listened to this Energy of Tomorrow speech at the coal fired power plant he wondered about his gift. Had it been written in his mother’s tear stained eyes or was there much more?Mindful of his scheduled midterm back at University in the city, Albert had ridden his e-bike at the Minister’s request out to this autumn countryside ceremony. He understood so much better now why Minister Teslo wanted to replace the power plant steam with a geothermal source—he had chosen geothermal as his engineering option. But as an asthmatic eleven year old he had only wanted to play street hockey that day. Half listening to the honorable Minister’s speech below the Energy of Tomorrow banner, Albert thought back to that day before Christmas he joined his cool brother Duke and the other boys in a game of hockey on the front street. He snuck out right past Mom to prove his boyhood courage. He should have heard her air index warning that morning, but at that age he hadn’t understood much about the atmosphere. His hockey game trauma mixed in with memories of his father’s talking about Paris back in 2015. How could a boy get what caused such a severe asthma attack? Ground level ozone was invisible just like carbon dioxide and a lot of adults still didn’t get climate change today. But now he could tell. The new normal weather and his global social media friends knew how serious the situation had become around the world. That day he nearly breathed his last had become a solid background to his outlook on the planet and the future of his generation. He was grateful for his father’s insight into news reports, yet he appreciated even more the action being taken by the government. That woman Minister who came to the hospital back then and ten years later Minister Teslo speaking today were really doing something. But, he knew, only if he and his friends and classmates kept up the social license pressure.
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  • 670

African Monsoon

African Monsoon

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

Brad touches the HoloCube, initiating a Chirpfeed interview putting out an explanation on the science of a Green Sahara. If either Asian or NATO naval commanders decide to shoot down their unarmed jet, monsoon geoengineering will collapse. If not, Chinese rice growing, extra global cooling popular among Africans, just might gain Brad’s kids a future amidst the jumbled politics of the day.A modified business jet, loaded with sulphur dioxide, leaves the west coast of Africa headed for a mid-Atlantic release point. If engineers Brad and Vince and climate scientist Tamanna, with popular support of Sahel country politicians and their citizens, can negotiate their way through a military standoff, the world of some at least might turn out better as the climate changes. The message put out to social media, cast as a mix of real science and the heartfelt storyline people truly hear, will be crucial.
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  • 593
Tribe 5 Girl

Tribe 5 Girl

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

Annalise speaks with all the confidence of a PhD student defending her homeland security proposal. Council needs decide—to risk their valley on the voice of Kiki the kindergarten girl or keep roving drones loaded with ammunition and wrap straps. Movers, the climate refugees, want valley access while Council needs their social model of an engineered future to succeed.Annalise faces the challenge of her early adult life as she stands before valley Council with a unique idea. She wants so bad to wrap a gentle feeling of security around life in their mountain valley but old thinking dogs her attempts at the radical. Having escaped the worst of the urban climate crisis in a desperate night time drive as a teenager with her father, she feels driven to translate her career study into a double solution. To keep the social engineering model their valley is developing on track while keeping the valley safe from invasive refugees. And still her nightmares of mover invasions. Standing solid in her way, some Councillors retain the traditional thinking that brought on the climate crisis in the first place. But she can never voice that out loud. Through her graduate work, Annalise became entranced by a fantastic yet practical line of research. The analyzed mindset of girl children, especially those in the Tribe 5 category, has good potential to help any human conflict. Little girl rules of social engagement can be proven valid with drone technology eliminating violence at valley entry points. Highly motivated to get her message through, she knows if she can just get Kiki in place talking, the little girl voice will sell itself. Standing before Council, she has to be smart enough to keep quiet and let old women challenge old men. But how will that work out?
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  • 271
The Sandbox Theory

The Sandbox Theory

Les W Kuzyk

Les W Kuzyk

What's it really mean to be rich? Sid's grandfather came with nothing; his baby boomer relatives pit lifestyle against Bible and his cousins' lives are scattered all over the map. Business success, treasure in heaven or take it easy man. Family reunion turns to tales of revelation where the past demands resolution. Sid watches children play in their sandbox and finds a wiser investment portfolio.What's it really mean to be rich? Wealth in gold or richness of spirit, Sid needs to know. Plagued by spiritual voices, Sid sets out on a search for a new investment schema, an improved personal definition of wealth. Inspired by a gym bag toting hitchhiker who says yes I am wealthy and a grandfather’s stories of coming with nothing to the new world, Sid makes a decision to listen more intuitively to relatives at a family reunion. A tragic death in the past has some members missing; Uncle Harry whose busy drinking and Aunt Lola … rumoured rich, yet having run from the family long ago. Uncle Nick, now living in a developing country, speaks of happiness in poverty as well as something elusively appealing even beyond happiness. While religious family members thrash out Biblical teachings about riches, the children, perhaps closest to the One who bids them come, appear to have the greatest freedom. Cousin Ryan just loves to go fishing and leaves all finances to the whim of lottery tickets while his brother Franco, a successful businessman, scoffs at him. Amy, another cousin, follows the blissful glamour of a television idol, while Sid struggles to understand his sister Jo’s choice to live the life of a “starving” artist. After the reunion, Sid is left with a range of new investment options. Over the next five years, Sid hears real world tales of revelation. The drinking uncle comes for a visit, having found the God of AA. Amy tells Sid of her trip to California where she actually visits her television hero’s utopia and their California cousin who lives in the ocean front family home. Travelling to his sister's home, he feels stirred by the perspective of children, especially one no longer living. Ryan recounts his story of a trip to see Uncle Nick in Costa Rica, his discovery of romance and the pura vida way of life. Sid has finally given in to the voices within, and giving up much of what he has to try on a global equity lifestyle, he discovers much of what the voices intended he find. Needing a recap on treasure in heaven, he trails along after the religious family to their church, finding out more about the spiritual side. A second reunion brings the family together once again. Conflicts from family history arise, demanding resolution of past turmoil surrounding the quest unto death, for love, so many years ago. Sid develops a wiser investment portfolio based on children playing in their sandbox.
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  • 210