The Alpha Centauri Project (Thinking Worlds)

The Alpha Centauri Project (Thinking Worlds)

Marco Santini

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science / Literature & Fiction

Special contribution by Nikola Danaylov - "The Alpha Centauri Project" is a transhumanist novel about emerging technologies, set in a near future populated by humans and digital beings. Suspense and action, but also a fascinating travel into the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on our civilization, leaving us face to face with the morals of a world that one day we might share. Script availableSpecial contribution by Nikola Danaylov - "The Alpha Centauri Project" is a transhumanist novel about emerging technologies and space, set in a near future populated by humans and digital beings. Suspense and action, but also a fascinating travel into the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on our civilization. From this, a powerful comparison with our civilization emerges, that stripping away layer after layer of conventions and prejudices, leaves us at last face to face with the morals of a world that one day we might share. The title "Alpha Centauri project" is the symbol of the mastery by the digital people of their future. Social issues as well as dreams and projects of the digital people become key drivers of the story. For digital beings aiming at eternal life, truth and collaboration are primary values; seeking exponential growth in knowledge and technology, avoiding conflicts and spreading into the Universe their goals. Eve and Victoria - the main characters, humans changed into digital beings when their brain was digitized after death - move in this context of epoch making events, searching for identity. They become more and more involved in the hardship of the digital community to the point of rising to leaders. Finally they merge, in a crescendo of drama, their destiny with that of their new people.A script is available. The novel has been translated into English, Spanish, French and Italian. The last editions of the ebooks can be downloaded for free from the Author's website.
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Flashes from the Future (Exponential Times)

Flashes from the Future (Exponential Times)

Marco Santini

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science / Literature & Fiction

Special contribution by Nikola Danaylov **** Transhumanist stories about the next future **** We are living exponential times, dominated by disrupting technologies that in a few years will project our world into a revolution with extreme consequences. Have a nice journey into the next future.Special contribution by Nikola Danaylov **** Transhumanist stories about the next future **** According to future studies, the world will be dominated soon by disruptive technologies, able to plunge the world into an era of accelerated progress. Main outcomes will be the achievement of immortality, the creation of smarter than human Artificial Intelligence and the spread of the new species through the universe. The passionate scenarios described in these stories make the reader share the soul of a civilization. Social issues as well as dreams and projects of the digital people are key drivers of the stories. Have a nice journey into the next future.
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Dreaming Immortality

Dreaming Immortality

Marco Santini

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science / Literature & Fiction

Special contribution by Nikola Danaylov - "Dreaming Immortality" stands out for the variety of the characters, the range of Transhumanist issues as well as for its articulated story involving humans, artificial intelligences and souls - these last obtained by digitizing the brain after death - that is marked by suspense, action, but also considered thoughts.Special contribution by Nikola Danaylov - This novel was published since 2007 in three different versions, all of them downloadable for free from the Author’s website. The first one – Dreaming Immortality – stands out for the variety of the characters, the range of Transhumanist issues as well as for its articulated story. Script available.24th century. Three races: humans, artificial intelligences and souls obtained by digitizing the brain. Deep differences, incompatible interests. An interstellar voyage to avoid a war, a sect determined to interfere. Suspense, action, but also considered thoughts. The main characters move in a context of epoch-making events, rising to leaders. Their world, alien at the beginning, becomes plausible from the continuous references to the present reality until it seems an inevitable evolution. From this, a powerful and disquieting comparison with our current civilization emerges; that stripping away layer after layer of conventions and prejudices, leaves us at last face to face with the basic values and the fragility of a human being. In the novel, these same factors will give Mankind the strength to take courageous decisions for its own destiny. Meanwhile, the artificial intelligence reveals itself as the means of evolutionary progress towards superior states of awareness and sharing…
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Evolution: the future

Evolution: the future

Marco Santini

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science / Literature & Fiction

Special contribution by Nikola Danaylov - According to future studies, the world will be dominated soon by disruptive technologies, able to plunge Mankind into an era of accelerated progress.“Evolution: the future” is a breathtaking story set in a near future altered almost beyond recognition by disruptive technologies. Script available.Special contribution by Nikola Danaylov - According to future studies, the world will be dominated soon by disruptive technologies, able to plunge Mankind into an era of accelerated progress. Main outcomes will be the achievement of immortality, the creation of smarter than human Artificial Intelligence and the spread of the new species through the universe."Evolution: the future" is a transhumanist novel about emerging technologies and space, set in a near future populated by humans and digital beings. Suspense and action, but also a fascinating travel into the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on our civilization. The main characters move in a context of epoch making events, rising to leaders. Their world, alien at the beginning, becomes plausible from the continuous references to the present reality until it seems an inevitable evolution. From this, a powerful and disquieting comparison with our current civilization emerges; that stripping away layer after layer of conventions and prejudices, leaves us at last face to face with the basic values and the fragility of a human being. In the novel, these same factors will give Mankind the strength to take courageous decisions for its own destiny. Meanwhile, the artificial intelligence reveals itself as the means of evolutionary progress towards superior states of awareness and sharing.24th century. Humans live on Earth and the Moon, last strongholds of their past power. Mars and the Net are inhabited by artificial intelligences and souls, these last obtained by digitizing the brain after death. The virtual reality allows the two races to communicate. Their differences are deep, their interests incompatible.With digitization, humans have postponed real death to an indeterminate future, but they are not happy. Towards the virtual beings they feel admiration but also envy and inferiority. The digital creatures instead cannot bear being relegated in worlds too small for their unbounded ambitions. Their Martian experience has allowed them to develop the competence necessary in extra-terrestrial environments, most of all to acquire the self-confidence indispensable for the colonization of other star systems.Eve and Victoria, the main characters, are “souls”, digital beings whose brain was digitized after death. They move in a context of epoch making events, trascending progressively their human values and finally merging their destiny with that of the digital people.A script is available. The novel has been translated into English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese. The last editions of the ebooks can be downloaded for free from the Author's website.
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The Alpha Centauri Project (Thinking worlds)

The Alpha Centauri Project (Thinking worlds)

Marco Santini

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science / Literature & Fiction

New Strong Transformational Arc -- Our future: humans and digital beings. The main characters move in a world altered nearly beyond recognition by technology. From this, a disquieting comparison with our civilization emerges, that stripping away layer after layer of conventions and prejudices, leaves us at last face to face with the morals of a world opposed to ours, that one day we might share..
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Marco Santini

Science Fiction & Fantasy / Science / Literature & Fiction

After reading The Alpha Centauri Project a reader wrote that he wondered if the story was initially written as a screenplay and later adapted into a novel. Another told that his first thoughts after reading was how gorgeous it would be in an animated or motion picture format...Now I have the pleasure to publish the script of The Alpha Centauri Project. Summary and long description at end.
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