The Princess's Ransom

The Princess's Ransom

Margaret Gregory

Literature & Fiction

Maeven was a thief, a clever one. What would make her risk the King's wrath by stealing the Princess's ransom?A mother can only do so much to survive in a world without faith and hope, but what is a mother to do when the very person who created this horrible world, is her very own son? A Mother's Love follows the woman, Rosetta, as she watches her son grow into a cruel and powerful man. Blaming herself for her child’s horrid transformation, she continues to try and mother the monstrous man in her hope to change him. She strives to uphold her ideals of motherhood, knowing that if she is to ever see the light within her son’s eyes again, she must be a good mother. And of course she knows that a good mother must love, she must be patient, and above all else, she must have faith.
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The Tymorean Trust Book 1 - Power Rising

The Tymorean Trust Book 1 - Power Rising

Margaret Gregory

Literature & Fiction

Chosen to be the Advocates of the mystical and incorporeal Guardians of Peace, twins Tymos and Kryslie must first learn to control and use the power rising in them - or it will destroy them.On Tymorea, only the ruling Triumvirate Governors are powerful enough to guide the strong-willed alien-bred twins until they have mastered their power.The Tymorean Trust - When peace rules Tymorea - Peace reigns in the universe.Chosen to be the Advocates of the mystical and incorporeal Guardians of Peace, twins Tymos and Kryslie must first learn to control and use the power rising in them - or it will destroy them.On Tymorea, only the ruling Triumvirate Governors are powerful enough to guide the strong-willed alien-bred twins until they have mastered their power.But even as Tymos and Kryslie are pushed ever harder to learn skills and wisdom, alien infiltrators are secretly finalising plans to undermine and destroy the ruling Royal elite, enslave the common people, and reform the planetary terrain to suit their own needs.To achieve this, the alien Warlords have already corrupted susceptible Royals, and learnt that Tymos and Kryslie are two of three who are destined to protect the Tymorean Trust and thus thwart their plans.However, Tymos and Kryslie must leave the protected Royal Estate to begin to learn of their other gifts and to come to understand their destiny, even though this will place them in deadly peril.
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Double-edged Malice

Double-edged Malice

Margaret Gregory

Literature & Fiction

Andy's brother is her guardian, but they are not friends. Under his law-abiding image, he's up to something. Though she knows better than to pry into his business, it doesn't stop her from trying to cause him trouble.Set in the Greek city-state of Priene in 650 B.C., this fascinating murder mystery opens with Bias, the protagonist, being stalked by a murderer at the sacred grounds of the Panionion, the religious and political center of the Ionic League.As Bias crouches at the back of a cave, he recalls the events of the previous weeks which led him to his predicament.A minor priest, Bias assists at the opening of the Panionic Games by securing the blessing of Priene’s reigning deity, Poseidon. But while the games are being blessed, Priene’s best athlete is poisoned and dies in Bias’s arms. The citizens perceive Bias to be infected by the "miasma of death" and he is challenged with the responsibility of finding the killer. Told with wit and authentic period color, this is an unusual mystery that readers will remember for its convincing plot and unique historic atmosphere.
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A Season for Every Purpose

A Season for Every Purpose

Margaret Gregory

Literature & Fiction

What does one of a planet's Great Ones do, when there is no longer a use for him?"Born in austere interior lands of Africa, only where life offered so little besides wildness and primitivity, Mbuthia grew up to be as savage as lands he lives. He adopted the culture of herding and hunting. In his tender age, he never thought of any other way of dressing except leopard skins. Not until one day two strangers intervened in their serene African lands, dressed in clothes and the youth was lured.The flight and cars, houses not huts, schools and churches, made the matter all the more enticing. But later Mbuthia had a good reason to rebel against them all. He fled with a team of warriors into wild jungles with a heated enmity against this so-called civilization which eventually had just turned out to be colonialism. He and his gang of warriors, so wild and willful, waged a relentless war against this colonialism to repossess African soil grabbed by the whiteman".
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