The Mystery of Merlin's Magic
Matt Musson
Matt Musson
Jeep Muldoon has the amazing power to find missing objects like silver dollars, diamond rings, and cold hard cash! Jeep and his pals have night vision googles, a treehouse on the Internet and a secret 'bat cave'. But, can they solve the Mystery of Merlin's Magic? Or, locate a 5000 year old Pharoh's death mask? “ the Mad Scientists Club for a new generation”– American HomeschoolerJeep Muldoon has the amazing power to find missing objects like silver dollars, diamond rings, and cold hard cash! But, can he save the miniature golf course from a smarmy developer? Or, locate a Pharoh's death mask stolen from the children's museum? Join Jeep and his middle school pals in their biggest adventure yet: The Mystery of Merlin's Magic!Join the only gang of 7th graders with night vision googles, a tree house on the Internet,a secret bat cave clubhouse and way too much fun to tell their parents about!“ the Mad Scientists Club for a new generation” – American Homeschooler
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