Billy Palmer

Billy Palmer

Ronald Zastre

Ronald Zastre

Vietnam was a frustrating experience for America. She got herself into a far off war that ate up her young men and woman for no apparent gains or motive. Sick of the carnage, Americans went looking for a scapegoat, and in many cases the same soldiers that were fighting and dying were singled out.In an old cemetery on a blustery cold autumn day, Manny Anderson and his wife Cassey are attending the funeral of Billy Palmer. They haven’t seen Palmer in years and know nothing about his death or where he has been. Manny is especially troubled. Before Billy went to Vietnam they all had been such close friends, but when he came back things were different. Billy quickly became an outcast and Manny wonders why? Cassey, who was Billy’s girlfriend before he went away, but eventually ended up marrying Manny, says to forget it, any problems Billy may have had were of his own making. Manny confesses that he lied about what really happened the time Billy was thrown in jail. Cassey had never heard this before, but still says so what? Manny says he needs to know and besides, his business runs itself and he has the time.Manny has located an ex-Marine that served with Billy, Mark Tainer, who is now a publisher in New York City and Manny meets with him. Mark is sad that Billy is gone, but confesses that he and Billy had had a reunion after Vietnam, but his wife at the time made the reunion difficult. They talk about Billy, the Billy before Vietnam, the Billy in Vietnam, and the Billy after. Mark can only tell about Billy the soldier, the Billy that adapted to the situation. Manny confirmed that Billy was always there when you needed him, even before he was a soldier. Mark tells Manny about the war and why it was such as mess. He tells Manny the reason we lost was that our allies, the South Vietnamese, were heavily infiltrated with Viet Cong and North Vietnamese agents. Mark tells how the sniper teams, one of which was Mark and Billy, operated with such efficiency, how the enemy wasn’t really that comfortable in the jungle. They lived their lives in the villages and rice paddies and seldom ventured into the bush, not like the Americans who they were fighting. Growing up, most of the sniper teams had been hunters and they loved going into the bush. Also, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese planned everything before they acted. When the sniper teams surprised them they seldom tried to find the teams, they just ran.
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Ronald Zastre

Ronald Zastre

Fifteen year old Tim discovers an abandoned alien base(Timtown). It’s run by an ancient computer that relinquishes all of its powers to Tim who becomes concerned about the danger of the advanced technology falling into the wrong hands and ultimately destroys it.Tim lives in a town, surrounded by mountains, that is destroyed by a huge earthquake. Tim sees a strange light coming from the mountains and heads there. Some bad men pursue, and then shoot him. Tim has a strange experience before he looses consciousness and dies. Tim reawakens in an abandoned alien base, still run by a computer, Mr. V.(voice). Mr. V heals Tim and brings him back to life. Mr.V. offers to help Tim’s quadriplegic brother Arty who was crippled when his fighter jet was shot down. Tim brings a group of people, including Jeremy, an autistic child, along with Arty into the base; they name the base Timtown. Arty replaces his crippled body with a mechanical one, then wants to take over. Tim starts referring to Arty as Clank. Clank is annoyed by Jeremy’s meaningless gibberish. Clank suckers the government into an altercation, but the President decides to be prudent, because they have no idea what they are dealing with. Tim proposes that the base be declared a sovereign state and offers to buy the government out, but the military wants the base and will stop at nothing to get it. Tim is surprised when Jeremy’s autism connects with the base computer. Clank sets a trap for Tim and feels sure that he has succeeded in illuminating him, but Clank finds out that Tim and Jeremy have tricked him. Tim and Jeremy confine Clank, then offer him a deal. There is a Deep Space Probe inside Timtown and Clank agrees to leave on it or be destroyed with the base.
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The Walnuts

The Walnuts

Ronald Zastre

Ronald Zastre

A journalist reluctantly signs a contract to write a story about far away earth. He books passage on a Galactic Transport operated by strange little humanoids far advanced to himself. On the long voyage he perfects his English, but doesn't realize his thoughts are not entirely his. By the time he arrives at earth, his contempt for their haughty attitude is well known aboard their ship.Seg Thouge has a contract to write about the Planet Earth and books passage on one of the Travelers’s ships. The Travelers are strange little humanoids far advanced to Seg.Seg’s contact on Earth, Ray Camper, informs Seg he’s now John Helms. Ray asks John why he’s here, and Seg explains. Ray laughs, saying it will be quite a project considering all the possibilities here on Earth. Ray suggests a family he knows called ‘The Walnuts’ who are slightly out of the norm and John might fit in.The Walnuts comprise of the patriarch, Jeb, a tall, handsome, self made man who tries to keep the rest of the dysfunctional clan in check, but only ends up writing checks.Martha, his wife, is a spoiled, beautiful, rich woman and knows it. Martha is keen on her own pleasures and seldom affords anyone any consideration, unless it suits her own needs. She is a witty, provocative character who immediately zeros in on unprepared John.Danielle, the youngest daughter, is a beautiful, fun loving, devil may care person, that can’t figure out why her life is so chaotic.Ferkle, Danielle’s new suitor, is an obnoxious braggart who tries to convince everyone that he is a great entrepreneur, but is currently cleaning pools.Heather, the teenage granddaughter, is trying to separate herself from the lunacy, but her young age limits her independence. Heather is the first to suspect the truth about John and starts calling him Space John.Ricky—aka Ricky the Rat—the son, is out to have fun and make a buck. He is intensely self promoting and can’t figure out why everyone isn’t the same.Wanda, the hippy daughter, is a throw back to the age of drugs, sex, and rock and roll, shunning anything responsible. Wanda becomes John’s friend and his advisor to the mechanics of the Walnuts.When John says he must leave, Danielle decides she wants to go with him, but John says it’s impossible. She accuses him of running out on his friends and says, “Prove it!”Ray and John take Danielle with them for the pick-up. When the space ship descends, Danielle realizes the truth.
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The Searching Soul

The Searching Soul

Ronald Zastre

Ronald Zastre

All living things possess an electromagnetic field, the nervous system. This field operates within the larger electromagnetic field of the planet. The relationship of the two fields is constant and the results are predictable. If one unaltered field, a human, is suddenly released in a weakened field, Earth orbit, what might happen?Gravity is the last force of nature yet to be discovered. We know it’s there, we know what it does. We know it’s necessary to the very existence of the Universe. We, however, have no idea what the actual substance is, or how it really works. It’s some kind of encompassing field or fabric, and that is the extent of our knowledge.This unknown field is responsible for absolutely everything we experience. It’s the reason that everything works; the way it does. Without this phenomenon, we and every other thing in this vast Universe could have never come together. There would be nothing but floating, scattered dust, maybe even less. Something that is so critical to our very existence may decide what happens to us after we die. The Searching Soul, explores this uncharted area.A human has never died in an altered gravitational field; specifically, an orbit, a place we routinely launch humans into. We are born, live and die within a consistent gravitational field, but there are a lot of inconsistencies in this uniform field; paranormal, psychic, unexplained mysterious, etc. We all know people that seem to have a strange window into the future, the past, or the present. It seems they have the ability to mentally travel in, or on, or through, an unfamiliar medium. The unknown gravitational fabric that governs all physics, known and yet to be discovered, maybe, is the highway that they unwittingly use.
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