Kate and the Raptor Dinosaurs

Kate and the Raptor Dinosaurs

Thomas Kennedy

Fiction / Nonfiction

Irish Mythology and Modern Multi-universe theory meet in an exciting humorus adventure involving Dinosaur raptors and travel across time-lines.(If you take this story please oblige with a review after you have read it. Thomask)Irish Mythology and Modern Multi-universe theory meet in an exciting humorus adventure involving Dinosaur raptors and travel across time-lines.“Hi Kate.”“Hi Danu.”“Tonight we will learn how to use the serpent jewel. Please pick it up. Tonight you will learn its true purpose.”Kate picked up the two-inch long jewel and held it in the palm of her hand.“Don’t be afraid,” Danu said and added, ‘Snakes slither silently, slippery, secretly.’”Kate’s jaw dropped when the jewel began to lengthen, becoming thinner and more sinuous. It crept up the palm of her hand and began to encircle her wrist in a spiral. “It’s a very pretty bangle,” Kate said, admiring her arm as it settled into position.Danu smiled pleased Kate was so calm. “Yes,” she agreed. “And it will give you the gift of tongues.”“Tongues?”“Languages Kate. In the future Kate, when you meet someone or something that doesn’t speak English…”“Something?” Kate interjected with a frown.Kate is sent on a rescue mission amongst evolved modern Raptor Dinosaurs.
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The Great Fury

The Great Fury

Thomas Kennedy

Fiction / Nonfiction

Oengus, the stolen son of the Celtic Gods, has come of age. He must serve his apprenticeship and as a first step, he is made the God of Inconsequential Things. He must go to New York to recover a sword called ‘The Great Fury’. Oengus finds his task is shrouded in complexity. Morag the Witch is plotting to contaminate the Manhattan Water System. Oengus is supported by the apprentice witch Maedbh and they are targeted by Morag and her crew of the Greyman with the embrace of death, Dearg Due the Vampire and Leanan Sidhe the seductress.Will Oengus recover the lost sword and save New York from a plague of rats?
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