101 Life Changing Quotes
Tim Beachum
Tim Beachum
Award winning author and creator of The Daily Quote Journal, Tim Beachum, is releasing 101 Life Changing Quotes. I am a hardcore believer in what you focus on you will find. I start every day of my life by reading a positive quote of some sorts. This has helped me tremendously, and I hope it will help you also.101 Life Changing Quotes is a gift from award winning author, Tim Beachum to all of his readers. For over two decades I have been starting each day off by reading a new positive, or motivational quote. My belief is what you put in your mind will manifest through your physical actions. Imagine reading wise words that you know for a fact has already motivated people throughout history. In life we are sometimes faced with obstacles that at the moment seem insurmountable. We will let whatever the obstacle is eat at us until we are mentally broken down. What we do not realize is, all negative obstacles in our lives are just like seasons. It to shall pass.It is not what happens to us in life, it is how we view what happens that will make the difference. This is where the quotes come in to play. For me these quotes help me to remember during my darkest days that this to shall pass! I am giving this book away free, however all I ask is that you pay it forward. Tell someone else about it, share it on your social network e.g. Facebook, Twitter - etc... Again thank you for downloading 101 Life Changing Quotes and I hope that it serves you as well as it has served me.
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