Fading Away

Fading Away

Tom Upton

Literature & Fiction / Horror / Young Adult

Young Adult short fiction, including Vanished, the first volume of the Freaky Jules paranormal series.Young Adult short fiction"Life Along the Okie-Dokie Highway" A girl goes on a horrifying road trip with her dysfunctional family."Sound Travels" Two childhood friends spend the last weekend of summer at a lake side cottage."Tiny Voices" A girl tries to cope with the boredom of the small town in which she lives, as well as with the voices only she can hear."Cold,Cold Water" A depressed teen passes judgment on people, which begins a murder spree."The Great Squirrel Hunt of 1977" A squirrel causes havoc in a small Texas town "Fading Away" A girl has a disturbing dieting episode.Vanished (Freaky Jules #1) A girl mysteriously disappears at school, and the cops are baffled. Julia (Jules) Dundee, the school freak, is compelled to use her paranormal abilities to recover the missing girl. With the aid her new-found friend, boyfriend wannabe, Jack Kilgore, she starts on a journey that ends up out of this universe.
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The Great Squirrel Hunt of 1977

The Great Squirrel Hunt of 1977

Tom Upton

Literature & Fiction / Horror / Young Adult

(Humor)A squirrel causes turmoil in this hilarious romp through a small town in Texas in the 1970s.Brandon is out with the Slamster, touring the singles bars on a Friday night. The longest, sexiest legs anyone has seen in years walks in, but the Slamster strikes out. Out of the blue, Kim, owner of aforesaid legs, asks a dazzled Brandon to dance. He only wishes he knew if Kim was a boy or a girl. After two and a half years without a date, and not much in the way of prospects, the question is certainly a compelling one. A short story of ambiguous romance.
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The Last Long Walk Home

The Last Long Walk Home

Tom Upton

Literature & Fiction / Horror / Young Adult

A retired man gets lost on his daily walk, and heads on a journey through his colorful past.In the "Find The Lesson" series a parent or teacher can have a wonderful interactive experience with their young child. Every page of the books allow the child to search for and find Lenny the elf, while learning a different concept. The many books in this series teach children the life lessons of compassion, empathy, fair play, responsibility, and healthy living. This book teaches the important concepts of appreciation and family togetherness.
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