Lucifer's Last Stand

Lucifer's Last Stand

Brent King

Fantasy / Christian / Young Adult

In the last great battle of the great controversy between God and Lucifer, God is going defeat Lucifer's empire of evil through a remnant of weak and vulnerable men. On their loyalty He will stake the honor—and survival—of His throne. This story explores why all the power of hell rages against a devoted remnant that will dare to stand for God in the worst conflict there will ever be.Can God defend His law against Lucifer’s colossal arsenal of evil? Can the weakness of God's love Defeat the power of Lucifer's domination? The controversy between God and Lucifer has been raging for millennia. In the last great battle of this conflict God is going defeat Lucifer's empire of evil through a remnant of weak and vulnerable men. On their loyalty He will stake the honor—and survival—of His throne. This story explores the issues at stake in this controversy and why all the power of hell rages against a devoted remnant that will dare to stand for God in the worst conflict there will ever be.
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Tempting Jesus

Tempting Jesus

Brent King

Fantasy / Christian / Young Adult

This book portrays the battle Jesus fought each day on earth. It paints a picture of his tortured steps, a blueprint of the journey that each one of us must take back to God’s will. How do we win this war against our souls? Only a closer look at Jesus can show us how, a closer look explored within these pages.The Root of the Trouble is Our Will. The struggle to surrender our will to God—to fight against self, selfishness, and self-preservation—is the fiercest battle that we will ever fight. The human will of Jesus was no different. It shrunk from God’s will as decidedly as ours. Without total submission to His Father, the fallen nature He inherited from Adam would have overcome Him as surely as it overcomes us. This book portrays the battle Jesus fought each day on earth. It paints a picture of his tortured steps, a blueprint of the journey that each one of us must take back to God’s will. How do we win this war against our souls? Only a closer look at Jesus can show us how, a closer look explored within these pages.
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