The Haunted Corn Maze

The Haunted Corn Maze

Eric Carlson

Nonfiction / Academic / School

Every Halloween, thousands of kids across the nation frequent "haunted" corn mazes looking for a good scare. But for a group of teenagers in rural Kansas, an innocent night out turns into a horrific ordeal. And it's up to one detective to solve the case and figure out what's really going on at the corn maze.Did Norse explorers journey to Minnesota in 1362, and carve a 200 lb stone with a runic message found by a Swedish farmer in 1898? Or, was it an elaborate hoax? The controversy has been swirling for 115 years. The Kensington Rune Stone remains an enigma because, while it cannot be proven authentic without corroborating evidence, neither can it be proven a forgery.“Far to the West of Vinland,” is a scenario that I believe to be consistent with the best evidence. In its fictionalized human context, it is a story of money, power and pride, and how they combined to produce the Kensington Rune Stone. For objective investigators, perhaps it can illuminate how some apparently anomalous pieces of the KRS puzzle, may have fallen into place. I leave its relative believability up to you.
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