The Thing in the Attic

The Thing in the Attic

James Blish

Science Fiction / Fantasy

Honath and his fellow arch-doubters did not believe in the Giants, and for this they were cast into Hell. And when survival depended upon unwavering faith in their beliefs, they saw that there were Giants, after all.... Notice: This Book is published by Historical Books Limited ( as a Public Domain Book, if you have any inquiries, requests or need any help you can just send an email to This book is found as a public domain and free book based on various online catalogs, if you think there are any problems regard copyright issues please contact us immediately via
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A Hero's Life

A Hero's Life

James Blish

Science Fiction / Fantasy

This was James Blish's first appearance with an orginal story in a British science fiction magazine, it was specially written for this issue on the theme of sacrifice.From : Impulse march 1966 edition
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James Blish

Science Fiction / Fantasy

This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the classic works that have stood the test of time and offer them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so that everyone can enjoy them.
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Doctor Mirabilis

Doctor Mirabilis

James Blish

Science Fiction / Fantasy

Blish created a trilogy, each volume of which dealt with an aspect of the price of knowledge, & gave it the overall name of After Such Knowledge (from a T.S. Eliot quote). The 1st published, A Case of Conscience (winner of the '59 Hugo Award as well as 2004/1953 Retrospective Hugo for Best Novella), showed a Jesuit priest confronted with an intelligent alien species, apparently unfallen, which he eventually concludes must be a Satanic fabrication. The 2nd, Doctor Mirabilis, is a historical novel about the medieval proto-scientist Roger Bacon. The 3rd, actually two short novels, Black Easter & The Day After Judgment, was written using the assumption that the ritual magic for summoning demons as described in grimoires actually worked. In that book, a powerful industrialist & arms merchant arranges to call up demons in the midst of a modern world crisis, resulting in nuclear war & the destruction of civilization. Black Easter is devoted to that element of the plot; The Day After Judgment is devoted to exploring the consequences of the destruction of the world, with an extraordinary ending in both narrative & theological terms.
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They Shall Have Stars

They Shall Have Stars

James Blish

Science Fiction / Fantasy

Hugo Award Winner! Original Title: Year 2018. Dec. 1967 Avon 5th Printing No. S210. This is Book 1 of the Cities in Flight novels. "In the year 2018, man undertook the most stupendous project in human history - to build a bridge on Jupiter. In that frozen, raging, gaseous hell, the space men built a fantastic, colossal bridge - thirty miles high, eight miles wide, and always growing in its astounding length. What was the purpose of this incredible object? Only one man knew - and he possessed the most tormenting knowledge in the Universe."
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The Triumph Of Time

The Triumph Of Time

James Blish

Science Fiction / Fantasy

When the scientists of the wandering planet, journeying through inter-galactic space, heard the sound of hydrogen atoms coming into existence out of nothing, they realized that they had accidentally discovered the birthplace of continuous creation. They had lifted the curtain and caught an instant's glimpse of the unknowable. But to have looked it full in the face could have been no more fatal. For later, much later, they were to learn that they had also uncovered mankind's Day of Judgment . . .
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