The Trail of the Lonesome Pine

The Trail of the Lonesome Pine

John Fox

History / Christian / Biography

John Fox Jr. published this great romantic novel of the Cumberland Mountains of Kentucky and Virginia in 1908, and the book quickly became one of America's favorites. It has all the elements of a good romance―a superior but natural heroine, a hero who is an agent of progress and enlightenment, a group of supposedly benighted mountaineers to be drawn into the flow of mainstream American culture, a generous dose of social and class struggle, and a setting among the misty coves and cliffs of the blue Cumberlands.Reprinted with a foreword by John Ed Pearce, The Trail of the Lonesome Pine has all the excitement and poignance that caught and held readers' interest when the book first appeared.
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A Knight of the Cumberland

A Knight of the Cumberland

John Fox

History / Christian / Biography

"A Knight of the Cumberland" from John Fox, Jr.. American journalist and novelist (1862-1919). The scenes are laid along the waters of the Cumberland, the lair of moonshiner and of feudsman. The knight is a moonshiner\'s son, and the heroine a beautiful girl perversely christened "The Blight." Two impetuous young Southerners\' fall under the spell of "The Blight\'s" charms and she learns what a large part jealousy and pistols have in the love making of the mountaineers.,
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The Ball

The Ball

John Fox

History / Christian / Biography

Anthropologist John Fox sets off on a worldwide adventure to thefarthest reaches of the globe and the deepest recesses of our ancientpast to answer a question inspired by his sports-loving son: "Why do we play ball?"From Mexican jungles to the small-town gridirons of Ohio, frommedieval villages and royal courts to modern soccer pitches andbaseball parks, The Ball explores the little-known origins ofour favorite sports across the centuries, and traces how a simpleinvention like the ball has come to stake an unrivaled claim on ourpassions, our money, and our lives. Equal parts history and travelogue,The Ball removes us from the scandals and commercialism of today'ssports world to uncover the true reasons we play ball, helping us reclaimour universal connection to the games we love.
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