The Inept Adept & The Almost Last Unicorn

The Inept Adept & The Almost Last Unicorn

Peter Butterworth

Spirituality / Self Help / Nonfiction

Chauncey hasn't seen another unicorn in an elf's age. He's been unsuccessful to find his mate, Shastra. So he returns to the meadow in which he first met her. Shastra isn't there but Lac Minifrey is. Lac is fifteen with three years at a Magical Academy. What Chauncey doesn’t know is that Lac is terrible at controlling his magic.Chauncey has searched and searched but he hasn't seen another unicorn in an elf's age. He’s trying to find his mate, Shastra, and has not been successful. So he returns to the meadow in which he first met her. The meadow is now a park in a bustling community. Shastra isn't there but Chauncey meets LacCluster Minifrey. Lac is fifteen and has been in Barry Ding's Magical Academy for three years. He has innate magical ability and school would of course one it and give him the learning he needs to control the magic and pass the certification exam. Lac wants to accompany Chauncey as he feels he can gain more knowledge of magic. Chauncey decides to allow Lac to journey with him in the wilderness. A wilderness which contains many magical creatures, such as trolls, hobgoblins, and a at least one huge and hungry dragon. A dragon who above all loves to ingest beings with innate magic. What Chauncey doesn’t know is that Lac is terrible at controlling his magic. He hasn't to date passed one test...and if he fails in the wilderness he may be the last person to see the last and almost unicorn in this quirky but sweet novella.
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You Can Never Go Home Again

You Can Never Go Home Again

Peter Butterworth

Spirituality / Self Help / Nonfiction

What are the odds that aliens bent on enslaving humans arrive on Earth just after a global cataclysm is a coincidence? Rogue geologist Dr. Prezlee understands the magnitude of the catastrophe and helps many to survive it and learn to live without the help of their governments - they've been destroyed. He creates a guerrilla band and attacks the aliens, which, by the way, are human.How would you proceed to survive a huge global cataclysm - though not as bad as the one at the K-T bouundary? Your government no longer exists, 60 to 80 percent of the world's population is gone. It would be difficult, No? But, that's only one of the problems facing the survivors. Turns out descendants of former earthborn humans have returned...with a plan. The plan is to enslave all who remain...or kill off those who oppose them. Dr. Jonathan Prezlee, a rogue geologist, understands about global catastrophes and helps many to learn to adapt to the new world age. Yet, his job is not done but he's no fighter, no military man yet...[Once I finished the events after 67,000 words plus I realized there would be as many words for the conclusion. That would be too much of a novel so I stopped there. It occured to me that this novel would be a great pilot for a SciFi channel series. I'm pricing it low as I have other projects and I cannot get to the conclusion of this story for a while. If you enjoy the story please be patient and if you do not like it...c'est la vie.]
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