The Warriors Realm Cursed at birth and tolerated in his childhood, Torn is a being divided. He is doomed to travel the magical realm secretly as the protector of innocence, The Reaver of Souls, a mythical being known for its ability to cleanse, heal, or kill evil. Betrayed by a greedy redhead with an agenda of her own, Torn finds himself pulled away from all he has known and loved, and magically sent into another realm. Earth. Scotland has a huge demand for American artists and a special calling for one redheaded artisan in particular. Leaving behind her home and a difficult past, Sable, an up and coming sculptor, follows the call. A near accident introduces her to the only man who has been able to arouse more than just her artistic passions. But with him comes a whole lot of baggage, including a pair of recently reconciled and concerned parents, a guard sent to protect him, and an insane ex-fiancée. Danger, greed and duty threaten to pull the two lovers apart at every turn Torn has to learn to forgive the past and accept both sides of his soul. Only then can he expect his destined soulmate see him for himself and accept him for what he is. Torn must merge the two sides of his soul in order to stop a crime of unspeakable evil and protect his woman or he will exist alone, losing himself and his sanity in his role as the terrifying Reaver of Souls.
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