

Stephanie D. Mitchell

Short Stories / Young Adult / Death

The typical California girl is living her dream, when her mom takes a new job, which involves leaving Los Angeles. When tragedy strikes in the family, Jessica is forced to step up her game and change her attitude from brat to adult. While completing everyday task things go from bad to worst. Her outlook on things soon change quickly and Jessica chooses between life and death.What could have caused the dragons to decide they are tired of being pushed around by lesser beings? For the first time they've chosen to spread their wings and have taken over the second largest city in the Dwarven kingdom. Join with the Magical Seven as they react to this revolt.More than any other time in their history the Dwarves need heroes, a crazy inventor and his family are the ones who step up to the challenge. Dr. Kilgen is a Dwarf on a mission. Since the dragons attacked his village he has spent every minute that he isn’t saving Dwarves at the hospital inventing steam powered machines of mass dragon destruction.Can the Dwarven Dragon Hunters of THE DIRGE and the Magical Seven put down the dragon uprising and reclaim their fallen city? Or will the dragon's fire ultimately leave their inventions in a cloud of smoke?
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Assassin's Against Corrupt Organizations

Assassin's Against Corrupt Organizations

Stephanie D. Mitchell

Short Stories / Young Adult / Death

Jennifer Grays is a assassin that goes after corrupt agency's and governments that help diffuse attacks from happening all over the world. Trained and equipped by AACO, Assassins against corrupt organizations, Jennifer is going after the Director of one of the most world known government agency to stop an attack against the United States. .It is Senior Sergeant Gordon 'Laney' Lane's last day at work before retirement. He has had a full life of watching changes occur with not only the police department, but in his life; not all of which are good. He is walking the beat he used to walk, back in the day when cops used to 'walk the beat,' in the rain, remembering his life to that point.'Laney' has an appointment. An appointment which, to him, will right a wrong; a serious wrong. He will avenge a life lost too young, that must be done, on this his last day.
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Deceiving Justice

Deceiving Justice

Stephanie D. Mitchell

Short Stories / Young Adult / Death

Alexandra, a hard working, young woman is growing her small clothing company in New York, when she starts getting harassing phone calls and emails. When the chance to come face to face with her mystery person comes, the reality of the situation becomes a bigger nightmare than Alex could imagine. The truth about Natalie brings Alex to chose between saving Natalie or herself.When growing her small clothing company in New York, Alexandra starts getting harassing phone calls and emails. When she comes face to face with her stalker, the reality of the situation becomes a bigger nightmare than she could imagine. Alexandra finally faces the decision of the court for the fate of her sister. The choices Alex makes soon makes the light shine on the truth and reveal who the true person is that is responsible for Natalie’s fate. In the end Alex is forced to make choices, which will change her life.
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